Primal Health Research Databank: Keyword

Results for keywords: depression

Entry No.TitleAuthorsPlace of Study
0203A randomised double blind controlled trial of the value of stilbestrol therapy in pregnancy: long-term follow-up of mothers and their offspring.Vessey MP, Fairweather DVI, et al. London, England
0486Parental separation at birth and depression in adulthood: a long-term follow-up of the Finnish Christmas Seal Home ChildrenVeijola J, Maki P, Joukamaa M, Laara E, Hakko H, Isohanni M Finland
0487Criminality in the offspring of antenatally depressed mothers: a 33-year follow-up of the Northern Finland 1966 Birth CohortMaki P, Veijola J, Rasanen P, Joukamaa M, Valonen P, Jokelainen J, Isohanni M Finland
0529Parental bonding: a key factor for mental health of college womenHall LA, Peden AR, Rayens MK, Beebe LH USA
0548Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders and other psychiatric outcomes in very low birthweight children at 12 yearsBotting N, Powls A, Cooke RW, Marlow N UK
0643Prediction from low birth weight to female adolescent depression: a test of competing hypothesesCostello EJ, Worthman C, Erkanli A, Angold A USA
0667Birth weight and the risk of depressive disorder in late lifeThompson C, Syddall H, Rodin I, Osmond C, Barker DJ UK
0744Prospective Relationship between Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Asthma Morbidity among Inner-City African American ChildrenOtsuki M, Eakin MN, et al. USA
0951Antidepressant Use During Pregnancy and the Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children.Sheehy O, et al Canada