Primal Health Research Databank: Keyword

Results for keywords: eclampsia

Entry No.TitleAuthorsPlace of Study
0068Evidence of prenatal influences of breast cancer riskEkbom A, Trichopoulos D, Adami HO, Hsieh CC, Lan SJ., Adami HO, Trichopoulos D. Sweden
0283Intrauterine environment and breast cancer risk in women: a population-based study.Ekbom A, Hsieh CC, Lipworth L, Adami HQ, Trichopoulos D, Adami HO, Trichopoulos D. Sweden
0550Cross sectional review of children with ADHD presenting to an outpatient psychiatric institute in PakistanQureshi A, Thaver D Pakistan
0629A woman's own birth weight and gestational age predict her later risk of developing preeclampsia, a precursor of chronic diseaseInnes KE, Marshall JA, Byers TE, Calonge N 
0642Being born small for gestational age increases the risk of severe pre-eclampsiaZetterstrom K, Lindeberg S, Haglund B, Magnuson A, Hanson U, Adami HO, Trichopoulos D. Sweden
0807Myocardial function in offspring 5-8years after pregnancy complicated by preeclampsia.Fugelseth D, Ramstad HB, et al., Adami HQ, Trichopoulos D, Adami HO, Trichopoulos D. Norway