Primal Health Research Databank: Keyword

Results for keywords: in vito fertilisation

Entry No.TitleAuthorsPlace of Study
0615International collaborative study of intracytoplasmic sperm injection-conceived, in vitro fertilization-conceived, and naturally conceived 5-year-old child outcomes: cognitive and motor assessmentsPonjaert-Kristoffersen I, Bonduelle M, Barnes J, Nekkebroeck J, Loft A, Wennerholm UB, Tarlatzis BC, Peters C, Hagberg BS, Berner A, Sutcliffe AG Belgium
0883Is ovarian hyperstimulation associated with higher blood pressure in 4-year-old IVF offspring? Part II: an explorative causal inference approach.Seggers J, Haadsma ML, et al., Squires J, Verte D, Heimann M, Bonduelle M, Palermo G, Wennerholm UB, Berner A, Sutcliffe AG Belgium
1004Follow-up of cognitive and motor development of 10-year-old singleton children born after ICSI compared with spontaneously conceived children.Leunens L, Celestin-Westreich S, et al Belgium
1015Semen quality of young adult ICSI offspring: the first results.Belva F, Bonduelle M, et al Belgium
1100Risk of juvenile idiopathic arthritis among children conceived after fertility treatment: a nationwide registry-based cohort study.Sperling CD, Kjaer SK, et al Denmark