Primal Health Research Databank: Keyword

Results for keywords: language development

Entry No.TitleAuthorsPlace of Study
0172Neuro-development of children exposed in utero to antidepressant drugsNulman I, Rovet J, et al. Toronto, Canada
0189Epidemiology of specific language impairment: prenatal and perinatal risk factors.Tomblin JB, et al. USA
0726 Stress during pregnancy affects general intellectual and language functioning in human toddlersLaplante DP, Barr RG, Brunet A, et al. Canada
0773Maternal life events during pregnancy and offspring language ability in middle childhood: The Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort StudyWhitehouse AJ, Robinson M, et al. Australia
0903Breastfeeding duration and cognitive, language and motor development at 18 months of age: Rhea mother-child cohort in Crete, Greece.Leventakou V, Roumeliotaki T, et al. Greece
1017Association of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Exposure During Pregnancy With Speech, Scholastic, and Motor Disorders in Offspring.Gyllenberg D, et al Finland