Primal Health Research Databank: Keyword

Results for keywords: psychosis

Entry No.TitleAuthorsPlace of Study
0260Prenatal and perinatal risk factors for schizophrenia, affective psychosis and reactive psychosis of early onset: case-control studyHultman CM, Sparen P, et al. Sweden
0285Association of prenatal and perinatal complications with subsequent bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.Buka SL Netherlands
0742 Maternal tobacco, cannabis and alcohol use during pregnancy and risk of adolescent psychotic symptoms in offspringZammit S, Thompson A, Menezes P, et al. UK
0875Severe bereavement stress during the prenatal and childhood periods and risk of psychosis in later life: population based cohort study.Abel KM, Heuvelman HP, et al. Sweden
0969Birth by Caesarean Section and the Risk of Adult Psychosis: A Population-Based Cohort Study.O'Neill SM, Curran EA, et al Sweden
1056Association of Prenatal Exposure to Population-Wide Folic Acid Fortification With Altered Cerebral Cortex Maturation in YouthsEryilmaz H, Dowling KF, et al. USA