Primal Health Databank: Study

Entry No:0120
Title:Families created by the new reproductive technologies: quality of parenting and social and emotional development of the children
Author(s):Golombok S, Cook R, et al.
Reference:Child Dev 1995; 66(2): 285-98
Place of Study:UK
Abstract:The authors compared 45 families having a child conceived by IVF with 45 families having a child conceived by donor-insemination, with 43 families having a naturally conceived child and with 55 families having an adopted child. All children were 4-8 years of age. The families were matched for age and sex of the child and age and social class of the parents. The children were investigated by a standardised psychiatric interview with the mother and questionnaires filled-in by the parents and teachers. The children were tested regarding their attachment and feeelings towards their parents and their perception of their own competence and acceptance by parents and peers. The quality of parenting was also measured in different ways. No statistically significant differences were found between the children of different groups regarding the emotional, behavioural or relationship variables. Higher scores on measures of maternal warmth towards the child, mother's emotional involvement with the child and mother-child, father-child reactions were found in families having a child born after assisted conception.
Keyword(s):adoption, donor-insemination, IVF, medicalised conception, medically assisted fecundation, ovarian superovulation, parent-child interaction, parenting, psychomotor development
Discussion:For obvious reasons we need to wait several years to have the results of studies assessing such children after puberty. See also entry 0040, 0102 0118 and 0210.
See Also:0210, 0118, 0102, 0040

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