Primal Health Research Databank: Keyword

Results for keywords: ovarian superovulation

Entry No.TitleAuthorsPlace of Study
0118Development of children born after ovarian superovulation induced by long-acting gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist and menotropins, and by in-vitro fertilisation.Ron-El R, Lahat E, et al. Israel
0120Families created by the new reproductive technologies: quality of parenting and social and emotional development of the childrenGolombok S, Cook R, et al. UK
0210Post-natal growth and health in children born after cryopreservation as embryosWennerholm U-B, Albertsson-Wikland K, et al. Sweden
0231Mental development of 201 ICSI children at 2 years of ageBonduelle M, Joris H, et al. Belgium
0245Cancer incidence in children conceived with assisted reproduction technologyDoyle P, Bunch KJ, et al. UK
0272Deliveries and children born after in-vitro fertilisation in Sweden 1982-95: a retrospective cohortBergh T, Ericson A, et al. Sweden
0366Neurological sequelae in children born after in-vitro fertilisation: a population-based studyStrömberg A, Dahlquist G, Ericson A, Finnstrom O, Köster M, Stjernqvist Sweden