Primal Health Research Databank: Keyword

Results for keywords: Rh incompatibility

Entry No.TitleAuthorsPlace of Study
0412The development of children following intra-uterine transfusions in severe Rh-erythroblastosisSchellong G, Palm D, Maier-Becker EM, Quakernack K Germany
0587Maternal-fetal blood incompatibility and the risk of schizophrenia in offspringInsel BJ, Brown AS, Bresnahan MA, Schaefer CA, Susser ES USA
0722Maternal Rh D status, anti-D immune globulin exposure during pregnancy, and risk of autism spectrum disordersCroen LA, Matevia M, Yoshida CK, Grether JK, Joner G; Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Study Group, Stuver SO, Hsieh C USA